Oil Printing + Eernest J. Theisen

From: John Grocott <john.grocott403_at_ntlworld.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 14:41:59 +0100
Message-id: <002e01c6946f$4ee8fb10$10ef0252@win8d24f736839>

Hi Gordon and all potential beginners in Oil Printing,
                 There are four w/s on Ernest J. Theisen with lots of helpful and inspiring and practical information on Oil Printing, Oil Transfer and Casein Bichromate.
             I misspelled Ern's name in a recent posting (Thysen). Hoping this rectifies the mistake for those looking for encouragement.
                 John - Photographist - London
Received on 06/20/06-07:42:19 AM Z

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