Re: Submitting work on CD.

From: Barry Kleider ^lt;>
Date: 01/14/05-03:57:58 PM Z
Message-id: <>


Why a pdf instead of a powerpoint presentation?

If you decide to do the presentation in Powerpoint, you can use jpeg
files/scans of your images. These of course can be made in PhotoShop.
I'd caution against making the resolution too high as this will make the
images load slower. (Maybe around 200 dpi?)


Don Bryant wrote:

>Dear Alt. Process Brain Trust,
>I need to submit some of my work to a judged show in my local area.
>Submissions have to be on CD or 2z2 slides.
>Any hints, tips, or advice on making a CD presentation? I don't know if the
>CD will be viewed on a Mac or PC but I'm considering making a PDF
>submission, but I don't know if that is the best approach.
>BTW, if anyone wants to boost any of my images I would be honored!
>And drifting again off topic, has anyone read about the Mini-Mac introduced
>last week by Apple? I suppose it may fall into the category of a frou-frou
>computer but if it has real computing power I might be tempted.
>Don Bryant
Received on Fri Jan 14 15:59:27 2005

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