Re: Liver of sulfur?

From: Judy Seigel ^lt;>
Date: 11/01/03-05:46:39 PM Z
Message-id: <>

No one has mentioned Kodak Polytoner -- which may (or may not) be one of
the Kodak products now discontinued. But my recollection is that it
consists of selenium and polysulfide... It did NOT smell, or only very
slightly, a little went a long way, and different dilutions (all the way
from 1 to 9 to 1 to 40, or like that) gave different tones -- although
also different on different papers.

To mix your own, in the US -- last year both Tri-S and Bryant Labs carried
polysulfide, although one of them called it "potash, sulfurated."

Meanwhile, weren't Doug Nashimura's tests on microfilm? At the time, I
recall some claims or anyway speculation that same would not apply to
silver gelatin paper-- and my thought is might also similarly not apply to
silver-iron coated paper.

Received on Sat Nov 1 17:46:43 2003

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