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From: Paula Marriner (
Date: 03/15/03-04:41:53 PM Z

 Hi Dick,

YES Yes Yes to Santa FE , I am just putting out a call
for more info as I am sure I do not know everything
and want to be really well prepared for Santa Fe.

 Also I am beginning a dissertation on the process, so
need to extend my paper from last year, already I have
had three great replies, for which by the way guys I
am incredibly thankful!!!!

The process you described is I assume using the
cornstarch as a carrier medium, it would work similar
to dilution, but be far more viscous. I would love to
find out more about it do you have any details?

The chemigram process has been hard to track as each
time it has been "rediscovered " it has been given a
new name by the user who has thought it was a new
discovery. Hence I have ten or eleven different terms
to search for. Also the boundaries extend in many ways
as many user do extend into toning, dyeing, C$41
chemistry additions, combining with traditional
printing, and many other combinations.

So far some of the names off the top of my head are
Light Paintings
Chromoskedasic Drawing
Duotone psedosolarisation

And I have discovered amazing artists such as Pierre
Cordier,Dominic Lam, Phil Winsor, Lloyd Godman,
Birgit Blyth, and many more

Also, the discovery proceses make for amazing reading

I guess this will send folk out on searches and blow
my surprises for Santa Fe, but maybe if anyone here
has more, you will let me know so I can compile it.

Thanks to all who have replied to me personally,

Keep it coming plese!!!!!


--- Richard Sullivan <> wrote: >
Hi Polli,
> You are still doing your presentation at APIS in
> Santa Fe right?
> There is a carbon printer in Paris Camille Favre who
> does a process of
> developing silver paper with developer and a slurry
> of cornstarch that he
> calls chemitypie. Is that similar?
> --Dick Sullivan
> - Yahoo! Mobile
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