Re: Lith printing and contrast

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From: Christina Z. Anderson (
Date: 03/05/02-11:41:22 AM Z

Lith does increase the contrast, but contrast in lith printing is also
controlled by development. Rule of thumb: the longer the dev time the
higher the contrast. Thus to increase contrast, cut exposure and increase
development, to decrease contrast increase exposure and decrease
development. Technically, then, you could print on any paper, but grade 3
would be just fine. I probably print on about that grade filter wise and
then find my exposure time and quadruple it (add 2 stops) and then develop
for 5-15 minutes, depending on the lith developer I am using (the ID 85 by
far being the best).

> Hi there,
> I have some soft negatives that print nicely on grades 5 and 4. I want to
start doing lith prints so I wonder if lith printing increases the contrast
of paper or not. I mean , should I print on the same grade 5 paper or it
would be OK if I print on grade 3.
> regards
> Xosni

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