Re: Pigment Flaking and Staining in Gum

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From: Katharine Thayer (
Date: 02/14/02-03:21:37 AM Z

Keith Gerling wrote:
> Sorry if I used a confusing definition for flaking. I have never
> experienced dry emulsion coming off of a print (and I can't really envision
> how that would ever happen). When "sloughing" occurs, and the print dries
> it appears sort of like something had "flaked", because of the graininess
> and the lack of midtones.

Your word "flaking" is the word most people use to mean what you're
talking about, so I didn't mean to suggest the word was confusing; I
think most people know what you mean. It's what comes of writing when I
don't really have time to write. I just find the word not a good word to
describe what happens, which is why I prefer a different word.

 This just provides more illustration of the fact of gum printing, where
honest people doing honest work can observe very different things. The
more observations the better in my opinion; perhaps someday if we have
enough data we can actually identify how the variables interact and be
able to predict what will happen under different conditions.
Just as an aside, your mention of "graininess" is a manifestation of
what I would call staining.

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