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Re: Wine in Utah, way off topic

Believe it or not, some vendors e-commerce vendors are becoming very 
sensitive to the rules and regulations of local areas and are respecting the 
wishes of the states.  Utah's own Senator Hatch is partly responsible for 
this, or so I hear.

Shipping wine isn't all that practical, Pam.  If there is even a slight 
danger of the wine getting hot or cold (sitting over a weekend in a 
warehouse, for instance), it has to be shipped overnight.  For me, this has 
added $45 per case.

My point, though, is that Utah, being "dry" is not that much different than 
Iowa, for instance, when it comes to wine, or for that matter MOST of the 
US, Canada, or come to think of it, Scandanavia, Eastern Europe....

Sorry.  I'll shut up.

>From: Pam Niedermayer <pam_pine@cape.com>
>Reply-To: pam@pinehill.com
>To: alt-photo-process-l@sask.usask.ca
>Subject: Re: Wine in Utah, way off topic
>Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 10:54:46 -0600
>As far as I know, there is no border patrol in Utah, no
>customs agents, except possibly at an international airport.
>So, how exactly would the authorities prevent one from
>ordering wine over the internet, having it sent in via UPS?
>Wayde Allen wrote:
> >
> > On Fri, 24 Mar 2000, Thor Bols wrote:
> >
> > > >Getting a good glass of wine  is another story, It can be done but
> > > rarely.
> > >
> > > Yeah, well you're not alone.  This is a problem to be had in 99% of 
> > > Western Hemisphere.
> >
> > The quest for a "good" glass of wine is always ongoing, and is a
> > fascinating subject in its own right, but keep in mind that the 
> > of Utah is predominantly of the Mormon religion.  Consequently the state
> > is basically "dry". You can only purchase alcoholic beverages at special
> > state sanctioned liquor stores.
> >
> > - Wayde
> >   (wallen@boulder.nist.gov)
>Pamela G. Niedermayer
>Pinehill Softworks Inc.
>1221 S. Congress Ave., #1225
>Austin, TX 78704
>512-416-1440 fax

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