Glass for UV exposure frames?

From: Michael Mutmansky (
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 17:37:17 /etc/localtime

Hello all,

I am building a darkroom for PT/PD printing, so I am new to the
alternative process realm, as well as this forum. I have a question that
I didn't see an answer for in the archives.

I believe most people use "normal" glass in printing frames for
platinum/palladium printing. This may not be the best choice, since
normal glass starts to block UV light at about 300 nm or so, and is only
about 75% transmissive through the UVA range. Is there any point to
trying to find a special glazing? If so, what would the glazing be
(quartz ?)?

I am a specifier in the building industry, so my knowledge of glazing
transmissivity is being applied here, and possibly I am making a bigger
deal of this than it needs to be.

As it stands, I have the spectral distribution curves for several of the
blacklight lamps, (350BL and BLB) and there is not much emission above
300nm, but I would think a more UV transparent glazing will definately
reduce exposure times...


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