Re: freestyle aristo film vs. ilford fp4 and hp5

Tom Ferguson (
Thu, 18 Mar 1999 15:10:36 -0800

David Michael Kennedy <> wrote:

>Carl, our guess is it's a kin to FP4 but can't confirm it as they way it is
>sold. They say it is ISO 125 and pan film so I don't see why it can go in
>the camera although we are using it to make enlarged negs. from positives.

Carl Weese <> wrote:
>>David is that a shootin' film, or a film for enlarged negs?---Carl

OK, here we go. First post from my new computer, which came loaded with a
differant e-mail program. I hope this arrives in some state (if not
correctly!). Freestyle's and Photo Warehouse's 125 Pan Film both are
notched like, and seem to react the same, as Illford FP-4. I don't think
Photo Warehouse includes any notches on sizes larger than 8x10. I have used
it both as a camera and enlarged neg film. Good stuff :-)


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