Re: gold toning (was heat drying (was sol A & B

Peter Marshall (
Mon, 29 Jun 1998 21:40 +0000

In-Reply-To: <>
> On Sun, 28 Jun 1998, Darlington Media Group wrote:
> > As for permanency, I have a number of Argyrotype prints that have
> > faded
> > quite badly along the edges despite taking the utmost care during
> > processing and clearing! However, prints which have been toned with
> > gold
> > are as good as new
> But wouldn't gold-toning vandyke brown make it equally archival?
> Judy

I think many of the 'classic' kallitypes which were noted for fading
will have been gold toned. It may help a little, but I think the toning
is only on the surface of the image silver.

Keeping conditions acidic and removing all the iron compounds seems to
be the key to improving permanence.

Peter Marshall

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