Re: Carbon Printing

Klaus Pollmeier (
Mon, 06 Apr 1998 19:11:13 +0200

Sandy King wrote:

> With appropriate negatives the final result in carbon and carbro is
> identical.

This is surprizing as dichromate systems and silver halide systems have different
characteristic curves, the dichromate curve beeing more straight and the silver
curve having the typical s-shape. With carbro, the image forms according to the
content of silver in the silver bromide whereas in carbon the image is formed by
the action of light according to the dichromate curve. This should lead to a
somewhat more "homogenous" range of tones in the carbon transfer print. I haven't
seen two identical carbon and carbo prints side by side yet, so this is just from
However I am quite sure that this homogenity of tones which I notice in old and
new carbon transfer prints and for which I love carbon transfer so much is due to
its characteristic curve.
Klaus Pollmeier