Re: Buying bellows leather

David C. Clark (
Fri, 21 Nov 1997 12:11:21 -0600

Don't forget that is per square foot and not "feet square" Leather
comes in irregular shapes and has holes and weak spots. If you buy by
mail, be sure to send a paper pattern so the vendor can pick the hides
you need. Expect at least 50% waste too.

$6 a foot for Morocco goat is not a bad price. There is also a
"Morocco" calf, which is not nearly as thin or tough. I think trying to
make bellows out of calf would drive you nuts.

Mac Cosgrove-Davies wrote:

> The leather source from Shutterbug is:
> Leather/Cloth
> 1372 La Playa Street
> San Francisco, CA 94122
> leather price is $6 per square foot!!
> mac cosgrove-davies