Re: Gum consistency and preservatives.

Judy Seigel (
Tue, 17 Jun 1997 21:44:15 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 17 Jun 1997, Art Chakalis wrote:
> I use thymol in place of mercuric chloride. However, if you mix your own
> gum solution you also need to keep it heated for a period of time to
> destroy any enzymes that are found naturally in gum. However, too
> much heat will degrade the gum itself. I typically heat to 140 F for
> about 1/2 hour to deactivate the enzymes.

Art, I happened to be in TALAS today, which has conveniently moved next
door to my storied gym, buying various goodies (including TA DA! the
Dahlia mister!!!) and asked about heating the gum arabic. Experts there
had never heard of it, nor have I come across a mention of same in 97
years of the "literature" on gum printing. I was advised to ask you, sir,
for your references!!!

In any event, I'm curious what the enzymes are supposed to do or not do.
It's possible of course that they matter in your use in particular... but
hope you'll tell us more.

I've also parted with money recently in exchange for 100 grams of thymol
in crystal form. Can you tell me what % solution to mix and how much you
add to the gum solution?

TIA & cheers,
